Valentine's Day with Imperial Ride | Romantic Travel

Updated on 11-Feb-2023
You might be waiting tirelessly of this day, Valentine?s Day. This day is celebrated on February 14 and has some special feeling in the hearts of lovers. On this day, lovers around the world present cards, letters, and flowers to their spouse or partner, or fianc?e. They arrange some special meal in a restaurant or a dinner date at a favourite location.
There is a misconception regarding this day that, Valentine?s Day is a public holiday, which is totally wrong. Business has normal opening hours, and you cannot afford to miss your working on this day in the misconception of the holiday.
As we went back little to find out the history of this day, we came to know this is a shrouded in mystery. But, you have to believe that the month of February has long been observed as a month of romance.
So, without wasting our time digging back in the history and finding nothing, it would be ideal to pay our special attention to the rituals of this day, and how across the world this day is celebrated.
As per the estimates, around the world, about 150 million Valentine?s Day cards are exchanged annually. And you can guess this is one of the most card-sending holidays every year. The first spot is locked by Christmas, the biggest and most popular, card-sending day around the globe.
You need to know that, this is not the only USA which celebrates this day of lovers, but around the world. Even now, some Asian countries as well have jumped into this pound and have seen exchanging love woes on this day.
Originally, Valentine on 14th February was started celebrating around the 17th century, or the middle of 18th. Some heart-wrenching stories have been told is the backdrop of this day and many believed.
It is originally the stunning feeling finding this day as a day of lovers. As on this day, one can express the feelings hidden deep in one?s heart and could tell the better half how he/she feels about him/her. This is an ideal day to express the feelings, as atmosphere create and one does not find alone in making this day as a special day in perspective of love and gratitude.
There are other meanings as well of this day. Like in Finland people celebrate this day, like friend?s day. If you do not allude to the idea of expressing love, you should opt for the second; celebrate this as a friend?s day.